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  • Martin Jarvis

You are not decreasing... You are transitioning!

Updated: Nov 10, 2021

As Charis and I are growing older, I felt my relevance as "dad" decreasing. There is a religious proverb that expresses, there are times when we must decrease so another may increase... a parent's reality. (It's not like I haven't been here before).

I decided to take some time off, to determine the direction for the next phase of my life. So, Charis gets signed up for scuba school. Perfect, because I will be off, and I can drive her there!

At the last minute we learned she needed a dive partner! Hey, I am off! But, I am just about 63 years old... but, I am in okay shape. So, I signed up! Excited, but a little nervous.

To make a long(er) story short, you all know how I've been pushing exercise and proper diet.

Two final religious proverbs, "Be instant in season, and out of season," and your "footsteps are ordered of God."

The less prepared you keep yourself... the less opportunities for where your footsteps can be ordered.

What I have learned: I have done what I could do to remain healthy. As my daughter and I are getting older, my footsteps have simply been led to another place of relevancy in her life.

My advice... 1. You decide where you are going. 2. Make a plan. 3. Walk it out!

And remember... You are not decreasing... You are transitioning!!!

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