Have you prepared for your funeral arrangements? Preparing for your demise? I saw an advertisement recently offering coverage for funeral expenses for a few thousand dollars. I reacted, "Nah, I'm not focusing on that right now." It's not about denial of mortality but rather prioritizing my focus on being alive and ensuring my future is secure. I believe in preparing for the future, but not necessarily in the way some might suggest.
Prioritizing the Present and Future
By focusing on my future and how I will fare later in life, I am taking control. It's essential to take care of our future correctly. If we live well now, we can ensure that there will be sufficient resources to handle any arrangements needed when the time comes. This is the kind of preparation we often neglect. It's not about fearing death but about securing a quality life as we age.
Living a Healthy Life
I'm turning 66 this year and feel pretty good and healthy. I eat right, exercise, and generally do the right things. When I see images of people in their 80s, 90s, and even 100s, I wonder if that will be me someday. I think I'll be the exception, but we all age. It's crucial to ensure that we are well taken care of as we get older. These preparations must be addressed before we reach that age.
Learning from Experience
Sharing some financial strategies with my daughter recently, I realized the value of learning from experience. I understand young people's challenges because I didn't see them at their age. I bummed across the country with friends, lived in the moment, and saw amazing things. But I never thought about documenting those experiences for the future. We weren't carrying smartphones back then, and I didn't realize the importance of preserving memories.
The Value of Time
Time is more valuable than money. We create money through time, and we can buy time with cash. For example, I took a bus trip with my son to Huntsville, Alabama. I thought it would be a great bonding experience, but he was miserable. The lesson is that we often spend money to save time, but sacrificing time now can create money for the future. Investing time wisely is crucial.
Investing in the Future
Sacrificing today for a better tomorrow is essential, especially when it comes to personal finance. For instance, when I worked at NCR, the company offered to pay for my education, but I didn't take full advantage. Later, when I lost my job, I realized I would have been more marketable with a degree. This missed opportunity taught me the importance of investing time in education and preparation. It's about making smart financial decisions now, even if it means giving up some immediate pleasures, to secure a better financial future.
Personal Investments
Our most significant investment is ourselves. I've spent 30 years with the post office, maintaining my health through walking and eating right. I continue to invest in my 401k, IRA, and personal investments. This ongoing commitment to personal investments gives me a sense of security. Maintaining our health is vital, allowing us to generate revenue and sustain other investments.
The Joy of Working
People often ask when I'll retire. I see no reason to stop working if I'm still healthy and enjoying it. Retirement should come when we can no longer do the job, not just because we've reached a certain age. Continuing to work allows us to keep contributing to our investments and maintain a productive life.
Life Application
Reflect on how you spend your time and money. Are you investing in your future health and financial stability? Consider making small sacrifices now to ensure a better quality of life later. Invest in yourself by maintaining your health and continuously seeking opportunities for growth and financial security.
Self-Assessment Questions
Do my actions and attitudes contribute positively or negatively to my future?
Am I making investments in my health and financial stability?
How can I prioritize my time and resources for long-term benefits?
Am I allowing short-term pleasures to overshadow my long-term goals?
What steps can I take today to ensure a secure and healthy future?